Remina was created as a sort of challenge to myself, not so much on modeling and texturing like previous ventures, but animation.
I'd been wanting to model a quadruped but animation, even minecraft's incredibly simple level of animation, is daunting! Just, like, in general! And not being able to rely on minecraft's stock animations was scary, but after doing some basic animation for Koro, I built up the courage to just go ahead and do it anyways to... mixed results...
The walking animation is super rough, passable to my extremely low standards of "Close Enough", but everything else is on par with regular vanilla minecraft stuff which is more than good enough
Remina is definitely my least complete OC, and I'm kind of unsure as to where to take her, the biggest problem is that she was created more as a challenge to myself than actually wanting to get an OC out of it which leaves my brain in a weird crossroads in which I don't want to waste what is otherwise a design I really like, but I'm kinda ambivalent on whether or not I even want her cause my connection to her boils down to a design borne from necessity, as opposed to a design borne from the heart...

Remina is a war retiree that was left, as is obvious, incredibly scarred.
The loss of her legs may have been what did it for good, but it's not as if she was doing amazingly well even before that, scars all across her body, the loss of an eye and both her arms and the need to replace a lot of her insides for mechanical ones just so she could be installed with an internal generator so all the tech attached to her actually moved.
But truth of the matter was that she didn't care, as a matter of fact, the only reason she ever fought so fiercely despite how injured she got was precisely to get retired in the best way possible. Leave a good impression on superiors and let them shove whatever fucked up potentially experimental technology into you and when you become useless to them they might just send you off with benefits as opposed to tossing you aside

And benefits she did get~
A payed off, decently sized apartment was waiting for her, a card that got her generous veteran discounts on just about any store, and free visits to any mechanics so they can keep the gear she's strapped with functioning and up-to-date
And good thing she got that, all that fighting ended up supressing one hell of an appetite, and with discounts like the ones she was getting on food, before she even knew it, her mechanical bits were becoming woefully undersized and incapable of keeping up with her! And so she kept getting a size up, and then another, and then another, and then another, repeat until she looks how she does today, a barely dressed dollop of fat atop 4 legs who creak from time to time

Remina Spinning
Remina Remina in underwear
Remina as dressed as she can get Remina in her underwear

Using Figura that woefully undersized
outfit can be taken right off!

Fi neutral Fi both arms extended
When holding items her arms extend outwards!


Place the mouse on the image to expand it!

Beach cabana

Remina at her beach house

Upgrade celebration

Remina 'sharing' a cake