Koro is an interesting case as she was made in what was basically a manic state.
One day I was hyperfixating on Tears of the Kingdom's Zonai guardians and technology and wanted to make an OC that took inspiration from them, later, AT 3 AM, I had imagined Koro in my head in a near instant and literally could not sleep until I at least made a model and textured it. To put it into perspective, the way she looks right now is not only exactly as I'd imagined it, but it's also the ONLY iteration, the only thing that's changed is the texture as I fiddled with colors.
...Also, a bit lamer, but a not insignificant part of the reason I wanted to make Koro is because I wanted an OC without hair or a face since... I hate doing those...

Koro is a golem of clay and brick who awoke only after whatever civilization created her had already been lost to the annals of time...
She doesn't really let that bother her though, she wasn't programmed with any sort of mission or objective and she didn't really know anyone from the time, creator included, she was instead given free will which she is more than happy to take advantage of!
Despite appearances she's very peppy and somewhat airheaded, just wanting to have a good time wherever she goes, travelling the world for new experiences, be it of the adventurous or culinary variety, using her unique physique to crush foes with intense power, and friends in her tight embraces.

Koro Spinning
Koro in a casual outfit Koro naked
Koro in casual clothes Koro as she was built

Koro extended Koro scrunched
Koro was my first OC to
get custom animations
to fit in smaller spaces,
she can make herself compact!


Place the mouse on the image to expand it!

I see you!

Koro looking through a spyglass
Koro holding a spyglass