Content Warning: Society level weight gain, Extreme Weight Gain, Slob, Immobility, Mild allusions to health issues, Mild allusions to sexual themes, Fat gay lovey dovey squids.

Memverse's Order


And with a victory cry like no other, Order had been defeated, Marina and Pearl were finally allowed to return to their beloved Inkopolis Square and finish up the remainder of their world tour towing Eight and Acht along with them.

The next day though, there were still some... doubts.
"Yo, Rina, been thinking about the whole 'Memverse' thing" Pearl said with a confused expression.

"Yeah? What about it Pearlie?"

"So! You mentioned how each palette had a bit of everyone's souls? And Eight is the only palette that's been... fixed? Right? What happens to the ones that are still present in the Memverse?"

Marina looked up in thought, before pulling out her laptop to check if what she was about to say was indeed the case, "In theory Order and the Memverse should have no direct effect on us, the palettes themselves being such a small fraction of our 'souls' that even if it COULD influence us, it'd be such a small nudge that it'd barely have any hold over us"

Pearl scratched her head, as much as she loved Marina she always rambled for too long, "So... it won't affect us in ANY way, right? Cause we still have the second half of our world tour to finish up and I wouldn't want anything to interfere!" She exclaimed enthusiastically.

Marina couldn't help but look at Pearl with adoring eyes, though she was quickly snapped out of it when she got a call from Acht, "Oh Acht! Hello! Didn't expect you to be calling so soon after it all went down!... Mhm, yeah, yeah... Sure! I'll bring Pearlie with me too!" Marina hangs up.

"What were they calling about?"
"Acht wants us to go out with them and Eight to eat at Crusty Sean's~" though Marina then scratched her cheek, "I am surprised though, Acht was never much of a big eater, let alone for fried food, but I guess I haven't really talked much with them in a long time..."

Marina's pout told everything Pearl needed to know, "Come on Rina! You can't possibly be blaming yourself over that! Look at it this way instead, now's your chance to catch up with them again, learn new things about them, it's been quite a few years I'm sure Acht will be glad!" Pearl's enthusiasm broke through Marina's funk, the octoling being completely incapable of not smiling after such encouragement.

"Oh, Pearliiieeeee~" She hugged her small runt of a girlfriend, lifting her up, "You're so cool! you always know what to say~" Then promptly kissed her on the lips, a small tender moment before they went to meet with their friends.

Somewhere in the Memverse though, a sinister influence grew.
"Accowding to Mawina, i can stiww have an infwuwence even if it's a weak one, i muwst estabwish owdew no mattew the cost and so i muwst go with 'Pwan C E W G"
All it could hope for was that it went off without a hitch...

With the Order Sector far behind them Pearl and Marina took to finishing up their world tour, even letting Acht feature in a few performances!

Though as the tour went on, both the fans and the Idols themselves found that something was... changing.
Sure Marina has always been voluptuous but had her outfits always been that tight? And Pearl had always been fairly squat but had she always been that wide?

But before anything became any more noticeable, the world tour had finished, and with that Marina and Pearl were finally going to get some alone time after so many months.
After all, between the world tour and the Memverse catastrophe, when had they been able to just hang out?

"Riiiiiiiiinaaaaaaaaa~" A whiny voice called out from the bed, "Coooooooome baaaaaaaaack~ We just got finished with the world tour, relax girl~" The small idol was curled up in bed, patting the space beside her as if she were trying to call Judd over.

Marina was in her own head right now though, looking at the full-length mirror in their room, "I got... fat?" She looked over at Pearl and confirmed the exact same increase in weight.

"Something must be wrong here, how... how're we gaining so much weight?" Marina panicked a bit, starting to run through as many possibilities she could to understand how their once svelte idol bodies were... plump now.

"Rina, please, what do you mean 'How'?" Pearl sat up in bed, a soft gut lightly sitting on her wider thighs "We've been going out to eat fried food pretty consistently over the last few months, especially because we keep inviting Acht to come eat with us and then they keep inviting us out to eat with them back."

Pearl got out of bed and went to stand beside Marina in front of the mirror, "Nothing we can't lose right? So why worry so much! Plus~" A sneaky hand quickly grabbed the small gut that had formed on Marina's middle, "I certainly don't mind a bit more girlfriend to squeeze~"

Marina yelped at the gesture, smacking Pearl's hand away before blushing furiously, "T-t-then I guess... there really isn't m-much for me to worry... about...?" She couldn't help feel like there was something... strange here, but as Pearl said, this couldn't have been anything but their fault.

"Yeah... sigh... yeah I'm sure it's... fine, let's just... relax and enjoy ourselves on this vacation." Pearl's smile grew wide, "Now that's what I like to hear!" She tackled Marina back into bed, head falling right between her heftier boobs, and hands firmly pressed onto her belly, "Now let's sleep in like I said we should do~"

Marina's face grew an even deeper teal, feeling both Pearl's hands and gut pressing into her own, "Maybe the extra weight really isn't so bad," she thought to herself before pressing Pearl even further into her body, cuddling her until both fell asleep.

Since then, a few months had passed and-


"That hit the spot!"
And the situation hadn't gotten much better, as a matter of fact, the problem had only gotten... bigger.
"Don't think I'll ever not be impressed by your pipes Pearl, even if it's just for a burp." Said Acht, currently busy with her own fried thing from Crusty Sean.

Marina had a suspicious look on her face as she looked at those sat around the table, "Had things always been like this?" She looked down at herself, boobs straining her top, belly freely spreading across her lap as her jeans were under duress of becoming ripped due to her thighs.

"No no no no no no no, don't think about that, remember what Pearlie said, it's fine, it's normal from how much we're eating - plus, we've always been... big... eaters?" Marina questioned herself on that thought, was that... true? No, it must be and yet it doesn't feel right? Something's wron-


"P-Pearlie what was that for!?" Marina had nearly jumped off her chair from that, "You weren't listening dummy! Acht is talking about how a new fried food place is gonna open up and whether or not we wanna come with."

Pearl was standing beside Marina and she got a real nice eyeful of her diminutive girlfriend, her once incredibly loose sweater was tight on her, particularly around the gut, and her once flat chest had... well, not exactly grown into anything special, but she did have a chest now.

"S-sure! I'd love that actually!" Marina suppressed her doubts for the sake of good food, after all, it's been doing so much for them! She's never seen Eight be so sociable, or at least as sociable as a shy mute who is eating a quarter of what they're eating can be; And reconnecting with Acht has been such a pleasure! And... well, she couldn't lie to herself, Pearl's sentiment of having 'more girlfriend to squeeze' had been popping up in her head whenever her hand brushed her love handles.

She never believed Pearl could ever get cuter than she was before, but the flab around her middle had been disproving that

Begin phase 2 of 'Pwan C E W G'
Expand wange: Inkopowis Squwawe
Incwease effect: 228%
"Societaw owdew is achieved fastew and fastew as they give in, what a deviwish pwan i have~"

The grand opening of a mall sized fried food buffet at Inkopolis Square had been quite the event and quickly became a hit! Inklings and Octolings from all over quickly found themselves there eating their own body weight in fried delicacies.

This indulgence was quickly becoming apparent on the residents of Inkopolis Square, not a single one could be classified as skinny anymore, chubby being a far more common body type. As for weight gain, there certainly were three individuals who stood on top.

"Huff huff So annoying... oof walking is for chumps, I swear!" An indignant butterball exclaimed, as her short legs caused her to move even slower thanks to her pronounced waddle, "Rii-urrrp Rina, you said you were gonna get a way for us to move around better, right?"

Marina waddled just a bit behind Pearl, her mobility hadn't been hit quite as hard thanks to her height, but she wasn't exactly in excellent shape either, "Actually, Acht should... urp, 'scuse me, should be bringing it with them today, and I really hope they did"

As they arrived at the buffet they spotted Acht, their green coloration and the fact there's just so much of them makes Acht stand out in a crowd, and beside them was a still equally svelte Eight who was presently drooling while looking at Acht's greasy crumb covered mouth.


An eager Pearl called out, her waddle growing faster at the prospect of easing the difficulty of doing it in the first place. It was quite the sight and Marina could not stop herself from staring, the same dumb drooling look Eight had earlier popping up on her face as she couldn't help drink in every single detail of her fat body.

Over the past few months Pearl had gone from chubby to very obese, while Pearl probably weighs as much as Marina, her height made it so all that adipose had less space to stuff and distribute itself into, giving her a very round look.

Her gut already hung free over her knees her sweater having become a makeshift bra for her flabby pancaked breasts and back rolls, even the sweater's arms seemed to be in danger of being torn from how massive her arms had become!
Pearl's body was impressively wide, her butt having turned what were once shorts into practically a thong, her thighs and hips were just these blobby protrusions that got stuck everywhere.
Anyone behind Pearl would be mooned by the cellulite ridden, shorts swallowing pillows that her cheeks had become, which is why despite Marina being in a much better state when it came to her mobility, she always hung around a bit further behind pearl.

Though 'in a much better state' was pushing it, Marina hadn't exactly been spared on that front, a near equally heavy waddle adorning her every step.
Her once bombshell of a body had become entirely encumbered in fat, her breasts in particular becoming extra large and saggy, entirely held up by a sweater that showed a dangerous amount of under boob and her impressive gut, which hovered just over her knees.

They eventually sat down at the same table, the extra wide and reinforced chairs holding them up rather well.
"Come... huff on, pass it over!" A greedy Pearl demanded, sick of having to deal with her insane weight, "Look, it isn't exactly rocket science, but these are special orders and should be able to help keep us moving" Acht motioned to Eight to get what was in the bag beside them and it was revealed what this help would be.

Canes. Three canes each with their own sizes, designs and decorations to fit each of the oversized girls.
"Wanna give em' a whirl?" They asked, already knowing what the actual answer would be, "I think that can wait Acht, personally I'm starving" An eager Marina responded, fattened hands reaching for the menu already.
"Thought so~" Acht giggled to themselves, this was once upon time a rarer occurrence, but ever since they got together with Eight they were always in a much better mood, it also helped that Eight put in the work to keeping Acht always well fed, which is why they were the largest of the three.
If there was one way to describe Acht now it was gut heavy, having a massive slope of a gut that reached even beyond their knees, while the rest of their body was mostly flat, lumpy and riddled with cellulite.
A boxy butt and a still mostly flat chest ensured their body basically had no definition to it anymore beside their titanic stomach, and even that was almost formless, a deeper green bump adorning it's top from being constantly stuffed and streched full from an eager Eight.

They ordered their meals and now sat around talking about whatever came to mind, Eight barely contributing as per the usual, just absentmindedly staring at whoever is speaking and trying their best to secretly admire their fattened body.

Their order arrived and it filled the massive table to the brim with fried goodness, and once it did the table had almost turned into a war zone.

All three began tearing into the food, even Acht who had been stuffed before Marina and Pearl had even arrived was eating with an equal amount of gusto.

At times like this the one who begins thinking in place of the sea pig Marina had become was Eight.
She had an idea as to who was responsible for the changes and the buffet they're currently sitting in, after all, she's got something that no one else in the entirety of Inkopolis has: a cleared palette within the Memverse.

Though, if Eight was to admit her true feelings on the matter, she doesn't really care.

Whatever form of "order" Smollusk was trying to instill isn't happening in the way it's intending, if anything, Eight had never seen Inkopolis Square as carefree and indulgent as right now! Even the always worrying Marina had completely given in!

And since she rather enjoys the show of her best friends and lover getting fatter, she just lets it happen without interfering with whatever plan it had come up with that was leading to this societal change.

By the time she snapped from her thoughts the three gluttons had finished off every single scrap on the table.
Guts full to bursting, hands and mouths covered in crumbs and grease, having completely given up on any sort of table etiquette with satisfied looks on their faces.


"Sho... uuurrrrp good" A tired looking Marina let out in a weak tone.

"Almosht huff as impressive as one of mine, eh~" A proud Pearl teased and yet Marina showed pride in it, "I learned oof from the best after all~"

"Good thing I got together with you eight, it really balances out the sickly sweet vibe that radiates from the two of them" Acht's gut ominously grumbled, having eaten two giant sized meals turning her belly into a bubbling cauldron of digestion.
Eight nodded and she placed her hand on her partner's gut and started rubbing it to help digest, burps pouring out of their throat.

"Mind if we... rrrnggh try out the canes in the meantime?" Marina asked as she struggled to get up from her seat, "Sure, if you UURRRRRPPPP manage to... rrrnggh bwwooorrp to stand~" Acht snickered as they leaned back again to enjoy their girlfriend's belly rubs.

"..." Marina thought to herself if it was normal to not be able to stand after a normal meal... normal? Yeah, it's definitely a normal meal, and she's been having issues standing for a long time now, so it's 100% normal that after a normal meal she wouldn't be able to stand, as one would normally expect. "Guessing you aren't in a much better position Pearlie?" She glanced at her girlfriend and she was borderline passed out, eyes closed as her hands idly rubbed her churning gut and Marina couldn't help thinking to herself, "She's so cute~! I hope she just keeps getting rounder~ ♡"

Begin phase 3 of 'Pwan C E W G'
Expand wange: Inkopowis, Spwatsviwwe, Cawamawy couwnty
Incwease effect: 488%
"I'm not suwwe if I'm getting the exact wesuwwts i wanted buwt evewyone... seems mowe owdewwy, I'm suwwe i can kick things uwp a notch again."

clack THUD

clack THUD

clack THUD

"P-Pearlie huff nggghh get up, we'll be late urrrrp like this!" Marina hurried the pink ball of flab that took up well over half of their shared bed, having already gotten a head start on getting ready which didn't mean much in the face of only wearing the same grease laden top she always wears, which was almost on the verge of collapsing under the pressure caused by the sheer weight of her tits, and the same ripped sweat pants that barely clung onto her ass cheeks that she also wore every single day.

Pearl stirred in her bed, having been woken up by the heavy stomps of her girlfriend's waddling, her cane clacking against the floor and her much deeper and lower tones.
"But that meansh nnngh urrrrrp that we'll have to walk the whole way theeeeeeere" The rotund inkling, understandably so, whined at her. She was fatter and heavier than Marina even without accounting the difference in height, so to her it was even more of an ordeal, despite Marina not really faring much better with the act of waddling.

Marina was having none of it though, she'd woken up with quite the start and after getting prepared she had waddled over to Pearl which had left her sweating bullets and breathing heavily enough one would think she's drowning.

"What huff if I told you that... urp oof Acht has finally prepared aah that thing for us~?" With words sweeter than any dessert she'd ever had, Pearl immediately began getting out of bed, or at least, the process of getting out of bed. What 'immediately' meant long ago and what it meant now were two entirely distinct things, as Pearl had to swing her pancake stack legs off the side of the bed, properly sit up her couch swallower of an ass, and then, with the help of the bars they had installed throughout their apartment, stood up with her cane in hand.

Hurrying may have been a bad idea though, Pearl clutched her chest with her free hand, positively soaked with sweat and-


She'd worked up an insane appetite, causing the glutton to day dream of all the meals she'd get to eat once they finally got to the buffet, a dumb look adorning her face and drool rolling down her multiple chins.

Marina knew that look and went to snap Pearl out of it the best way she knew. She leaned down with some difficulty, particularly due to how front loaded her body weight was, and deeply kissed her beloved runt of a girlfriend, their cheeks meeting due to just how much fat had ended up on both their faces. "That hffff give you the energy to get a... ngggh a move on, big girl~?"

"Absholutely~!" And with that the laborious process of dressing the butterball of an inkling had began, clothing was simple at this size for her, the stretchiest shorts she had, which were full of holes and even then they disappeared amongst her rolls as they barely clung on, and her beloved sweater, devoid of sleeves now and stretched thin to the extreme, it was also so laden with grease one wouldn't be able to hazard a guess at what it's original color was.

They were both tired after so much preparation, leaning against each other and their canes in hopes of gaining back some stamina before the incredibly long waddle to the buffet began, having entirely foregone sitting down cause if they did they knew they weren't getting back up.

They held each other's plump hands which lightly sank into each other's, and began making their way out of their apartment through the twice widened front door, down the elevator that had been converted into what can best be described as a cargo lift, and out into greater Inkopolis Square.

And it was indeed greater, in a sense.

It barely resembled the Inkopolis Square they had performed in at the start of their world tour, neither the cityscape nor it's populace.
What was once a vibrant hub for turf battles and intense ranked matches was now comparatively dull, few inklings or octolings wandered the square to socialize, seek duels with others or teams for turf battles, not even eating was done, surprisingly enough.

That had moved elsewhere in fact, the once varied buildings and stores had been entirely converted into one of two things - Apartments built or changed to fit the now gigantic populace and fried food buffets to properly feed all of them.

Which led into a broader change across every walking cephalopod that inhabited the area, their average weight went up.
And not just a little bit, at absolute minimum an octoling or inkling in Inkopolis square was morbidly obese, waddling from buffet to buffet to satiate their bottomless hunger.

Marina and Pearl were entirely unbothered by this, mostly just focusing on their breathing and not tumbling to the ground. Despite how fatalistic both of them were being about the walk to the buffet, it was practically just across the street, though their encumbered bodies and adipose addled minds couldn't really differentiate anymore.

Now out in the open one could really see just how positively filled with fat the both of them had become.

Pearl had kept growing further and further sideways almost as if to compensate for her miniature height.

Her hips grew so immense that she had saddle bags that folded in on themselves near twice over and her gut frequently brushed against the ground, a dollop of creamy fat that only really knew to grumble for more food, her arms were marshmallows at this point, tipped with a plump hands that held on as tight as they could to her cane and Marina's hand. Her face had become it's own spectacle, a neck tire that rested on her fatty shoulders, several chins that reached her still unimpressive pancaked chest and cheeks so round that they got in the way of her eyes at times.

Marina wasn't in a much better state though, while her height prevented the width that Pearl had achieved, so much of her weight finding itself up front caused it's own problems.
Her breasts went from perky but a bit flabby, to just flabby, two big bags of tit fat hung from her chest like wrecking balls which had become Pearl's favorite playthings, and unlike Pearl, her gut did find itself near permanently planted against the floor, severely hindering her movement as she had to make sure it wasn't touching it whenever she took a step.
Beside those two features Marina was less impressive everywhere else, her ass while far smaller than Pearl's is still it's own set of seat bending cushions and her legs were a lot more 'toned' than her squat girlfriend, having far less haphazard and lumpy folds adorning them.

After some exasperated pathetic looking waddling, they had finally found their way into the air conditioned restaurant, instantly cooling down the near steaming fatties.

The inside was impressive, to say the least.
Fat blobs adorned every single table as they ravenously shoved more food into their mouths, repurposed Squee-Gs spread all around as they cleaned up the sheer mess that was constantly being produced, and it had a fully automated table service system to boot!
It was a complete and utter den of gluttony.

Pearl and Marina looked around and quickly found their target using the same trick they always did. Eight may be the absolute smallest person anyone's ever seen, but Acht wasn't so subtle, fat beyond what anyone else has achieved and a green tint coloring their entire clumsy looking mass.

Acht had maintained the same pattern in their gain, mostly gut, and everything else is second banana, only ever becoming lumpy and cellulite ridden.
And what a gut it had become! Pearl even at her current size could probably fit in it, a lumpy stretched out mass that completely dominated their shape. Meanwhile everything else was far less impressive, Acht had finally managed a chest but it only rivaled Marina's before she became the fat titted mammal she was today, and even then they lacked all the perkiness, and her ass was almost negative, nearly hidden by immense back rolls that not only rivalled, but surpassed her boxy cheeks.

Speaking of, both Marina's and Pearl's eyes shined as they saw exactly what those boxy cheeks sat on, and the two others that sat there just for them.

Mobility scooters, one teal and the other a pastel pink.
The two fatties took off as fast as they could, nearly tossing aside their canes in sheer excitement, at least they would've if it wasn’t entirely necessary for them to even make it all the way over, all at the thought of no more walking.

They finally let go of each other's clammy sweaty hands, as they prepared to get on board. Clumsily and with far too much sweat and heavy breathing, they slowly got comfy in their brand new replacements for legs, and despite both scooters already being plenty oversized, Pearl couldn't help but find her ass pouring out the sides and Marina with her gut and tits pressing hard against it's platform-like bottom.

As much as they wanted to greet them or gladly say 'Thanks!' they were beyond winded, taking them awhile before they could manage more than sloppy burps and uncontrollable wheezing due to their hurry.

Eight kept feeding Acht as they idly waited for the idols to snap out of it, the once much shyer and more reserved Acht had been replaced with a butterball who mewled at every bite their caring girlfriend pushed through their lips.

"UUUUuuurrrpp huff Y-you two have really become ah very close haven't you." Marina was the first to speak up, commenting on the spectacle sharing the table with her. Had she been told that Acht would one day 'coo' at anything, let alone food, she would've called you a liar... "Wait? But Acht has always been pretty fond of food... right? Whatever, just glad they've come out of their shell, if they stayed there long enough I feared they would become a nautilus... Marina quickly dismissed her thought and joked to herself, completely ignorant to the reality of the situation.

Amidst her exasperated breathing Pearl took the scooter's controls which were placed at the sides so the user's gut didn't get in the way. She went back and forth, testing the capabilities of her new ride and a smile crept onto her face. "Theshe are huff BWWWWOOOORRRRRP the besht Acht! Thanksh ah a lot for hooking us up!" Exasperated or not, Pearl's voice was always booming, though much like her girlfriend, it took a heavier tone from the newly found weight on her vocal cords.

"No problem, though I do feel bad for not ordering at least some appetizers while the both of you sat there recovering from your grueling walk." Acht mourned, being more aware than anyone else on the table just how excruciating it was to not be painfully full at all times.

"Don't worry, me and Pearlie are still hanging in there alrig-"


One would expect such a ravenous sound to come from the much more crass Pearl, but it clearly came from Marina as her gut had been left jiggling from such an intense noise.

"G-guess n-not..." Marina scratched her flabby cheek as her poor attempt to appear less than insatiable went awry so quickly. "Honestly Rina, not even sure why you're trying to appear modest! You've got a gut as bottomless as mine! As if any amount of food would be able to satisfy you for more than a short while!" Pearl guffawed as she bragged about her girlfriend to any who could hear.

"Though our appetites compared to Acht's feel unimpressive." Marina commented as Pearl busied herself with the Menu. "Just look at that gut! Honestly Acht, never imagined that of all of us you'd be the biggest!" She said in awe.

"You have UUURRRRrrrp Eight to thank for that." Acht looked at Eight with loving eyes, the petite octoling returning the stare with a peck on the lips. "She's taken charge of feeding me, and when she eats so little herself... well, it was a recipe for a gut to be proud of." They rubbed it, and a soft growl escaped. "Seems like I still haven't eaten my fill though. Pass the Menu when you're done Pearl."

Pearl had busied herself with the menu, a tablet where you pressed what you wanted and it was ordered and quickly sent to the table, and she wasn't just perusing it, she was practically tapping away at the screen like a woman possessed!

"You know Pearlie, I know we're hungry but don't you think you're going... too far?"
"Nonsense, it's a huff celebration today for getting our scooters, as if I'd skimp out on the food!" Pearl declared with a renewed vigor, as using her arms to order was tiring her out. "And you've got something wrong Rina, this isn't for us, I'm ordering what's for ME!" Another loud laugh, though this time it was cut short as her breath ran ragged from how much air she was expending loudly talking and laughing.

Pearl passed the Menu over to Marina, and Marina couldn't help but return the enthusiasm. "Oooooo~ Pearlie~ You're so cool, how could I possibly not go overboard when you get like this!" And much like Pearl, Marina absolutely tore through the Menu, though unlike Pearl who had picked just about everything several times, Marina preferred to get dozens of orders of only her favorites.

And after Acht locked in their smaller, but certainly not small, order, all of them now patiently waited atop their lard crushed scooters for their disgustingly large orders to arrive, fat filled bellies grumbling like beasts waiting for prey.

In the mean time though, they started some idle chit-chat, though with how little happened in their lives beside eating it ended up looking more like a discussion between gourmands and their favorites foods than any actual small talk, sometimes touching on the subject of music, a passion which all three fatasses still shared despite their reduced ability to actually engage with it.

Eventually, the appetizers arrived... Or at least what were considered appetizers in this changed world - Countless sliders of all varieties, "mini" pizzas galore, garlic bread soaked through with butter, palm sized cookies and vats of sauce for them to dip whatever they wished into.

No words were exchanged, three mouths profusely drooled at the sight, and after what felt like a stand-off between them, they began tearing into the food in front of them at the same time.
It was messy, to say the least.
Each one grabbed whatever reached they grasp first, dipped it into the sauce and shoved it into their gullets without a second thought, their guts only growing louder with hunger on every bite as they began churning the excessive amount of calories into more cephalopod blubber.

Beside the gnashing sound of mouths chomping through pounds upon pounds of food, it was kind of 'quiet', they weren't exactly speaking to each other. And since Acht had taken the chance to stuff themselves with no need for help, Eight was left with nothing to do but stare.

And stare she did! She couldn't believe the situation could've gotten so out of control, but here they were now, three mounds of fat atop wheels that already seem to just barely hold them. It did give her some pause though, this was quickly reaching a level that seemed... unsustainable... they certainly aren't gonna be getting any healthier, poor Pearl clutches at her chest to see if it doesn't give out whenever she has to do even the most basic labor, and the other two aren't too far from reaching a similar point.

So while they were busy, Eight decided to make contact with the culprit.

Begin phase 4 of 'Pwan C E W G'
Expand wange: evewy cephawopod
Incwease effect: 888%

"A pewfect chance fow me tuwu incwease the effect, whiwe they gowge~"
But before Smollusk could sit back and wait out the effects of the penultimate phase of the plan, it go a call from... Agent 8!?
"What do you want!!!! Was beating me down nowt enough!?" A fury was laden into smollusk's tiny voice, but what he heard afterward astounded it.

"HOW DO YOUW KNOW ABOUT IWT??????? AND IWT ISN'T GOING TUWU PWAN????" Smollusk looked at the video Agent 8 had sent it and gasped at what it saw. "Iwt didn't bwing any owdew! Evewy singwe owne of thewm iws stiww a chaotic mess!"

She said that it'd be better if it stopped whatever plan this was right now before things got worse for him, not only to stop the world from growing more disorderly, but Agent 8 coming to personally stop it. It acquiesced.

"Fine, i'ww tuwn iwt off..." And afterward something surprised Smollusk, Agent 8 was telling him to just leave it at whatever phase it was at, or else things would get even less orderly. "Okay, okay i'ww juwst weave iwt be..."

Little did Eight know that the phase it was at right now, was NOT the phase it was earlier that day.

She did find out soon enough though.

Everyone was still ramping up their eating habits! She'd gone to confront Smollusk, but the diminutive A.I. put it bluntly and simply.

"As a show of good faith i wocked the settings so i cawn't access thewm anymowe, onwy Mawina has the necessawy administwative pweviwiges"

Eight was worried cause whatever phase the program was at seemed to be a pretty big jump, on the other hand, she couldn't stop herself from daydreaming her friends from reaching an even more insane height to their gluttony.

She tried to stop it, of course, after all she'd wanted it to stop, or at least slow down, in the first place.
But she couldn't get Marina to do anything on her laptop no matter how much Eight tried to mime to her more or less what she thought had to be done, since she wasn't sure herself what to do either. The one time Marina did break out of her gluttonous stupor and tried to do whatever Eight was telling her to do, she could barely work her laptop thanks to her incredibly fat fingers and hunger addled brain, quickly returning to gorging after failing to do the bare minimum.

And so Eight got to watch as the lovey dovey idols and her own partner ballooned further and further.
She watched as their mobility scooters started creaking under them, barely even moving no matter how much they insisted, until they were crushed under the ever growing cephalopods.
She watched as almost every resident in the entirety of Inkopolis and Splatsville and... well, she wasn't sure how far the Memverse's influence had spread, all she knew is that it was rare to see a single one without the scooters that once upon a time only those closest to her needed.
She watched as Pearl, Marina and Acht had to be craned into massive wheeled platforms, the only form of mobility they'd ever get, as tubes from attached tanks snaked into their mouths.

And she couldn't really lie to herself, she loved every minute of it~
At first she was somewhat apprehensive, after all, the sheer scale of everything that was happening was... kind of frightening! But before she knew it she was aiding in the growth of the blobby catastrophes her friends were becoming, especially her beloved partner, whose body only elicited more adoration from their comparatively minuscule lover.

Eight walked onto the streets of Inkopolis square from what was likely the last residential building in the entirety of Inkopolis, if not the whole world at this point, everything else having been turned into "eatery residencies" so the completely insatiable blobs the people of Inkopolis had become could be fed 24/7.

It was barren of most life, perhaps one could spot a bird here or there, but she wasn't complaining since it did make travel rather fast. Aboard a discarded scooter, which when not weighed down by several hundred pounds actually moved really quickly due to the insane power that had to be packed into each one, she traveled a couple miles till she arrived at a monumental warehouse-like building.

One giant garage door front and center and a single smaller door for the only person left that can fit in such an entrance of to the side. Although one could barely see from the front, on the back of the building were half a dozen massive silos with tubes that reached into the building and tubes that lead into them that stretched for miles into the horizon.

Eight did always wonder what exactly was even producing any of it at this point, so much of the innovation to keep all these fatties well fed and... "moving"... had become automated, so if she doesn't know and smollusk is no longer in control, she's pretty sure there isn't anyone left who does.

She fished the keys to the small door out of her pocket, the lock being a formality as anyone seeking genuine harm or theft couldn't stand up anymore, and opened the door to walk inside.

It was a well lit space, several overhead lights making sure that not a single inch of the complex was left in darkness, it had a couple catwalks positioned really high, and along the ceiling one could see the tubes that led in from the outside.

Which they themselves led to the three residents of this building.
Three nearly unrecognizable masses of fat, if not for each of their differing skin and ink colors, sat in the middle, each one with a handful of tubes pumping away at the top and several Industrial Squee-Gs crawling around them in an attempt to keep them clean.

Eight started climbing a ladder onto the catwalks which hung above the growing blobs, looking them over constantly and loving just how far this has gone, she couldn't help feel excited every time she did this, getting to just indulge her eyes with the numerous folds of everyone there had become the sweetest of routines.

After plenty of walking Eight arrived at a rope and gently descended it until she landed on Pearl's massive gut and began hobbling on over to her face, wanting to check in on the once minute singer, feet sinking into flab at every step.

When she spotted her breasts she knew she was getting closer, now even the once flat pearl had tits that rivaled the size of several mattresses stitched together... EACH! Though they weren't anything to brag about. They were small in comparison to her massively bloated body and had lost most of their shape, mostly being pancaked against her own gut and fairly hard to distinguish amongst the rolls were it not for the perky nipples that tipped them.

Eight had found Pearl's chin staircase and began the long trek across them, spotting the tubes that were still a fair distance away.

And when she arrived she found an adorable face~
Pearl's had definitely grown the most in that department, her cheeks laying beside her head and spreading across her fat... shoulders (Eight assumes), excitedly wobbling as she suckled on her seemingly infinite food source, they also caused her to look like she was always squinting, tiny unfocused eyes in a sea of fat almost covered up by said cheeks.

Speaking of cheeks, Eight then looked behind Pearl's head and saw the real star of the show rising above it - Two massive and equally lumpy ass cheeks, covered from top to bottom with huge cellulite dimples.
It would be hard to call her ass shapely in anyway, looking more like really bumpy ski slope than having any actual shape, but it was the largest of the three lardpiles and "spilled" far beyond Pearl's platform, which was barely even used anymore.

After all, moving these titanic gluttons means stopping their feeding for more than 10 minutes and they just can't handle that anymore.

Eight went to sit at the top of her staircase of chins and pressed a button on a remote that slowly started retracting the pipes. As they did Pearl kept trying to suck on them to no avail, and soon some focus returned to her eyes.

"Suhp... Eight, how'sh... uuuOOOORRRRP it hangihng?" Pearl slurred through heavy jowls even though she knew Eight was still not one for conversation. "You've been lookihn' prehtty shredded recently, gueshin' movin' around uhsh... OOOOOOOORRRRP ish quiteh the... hhuuuffff... workout hahhaah!" She wheezed out gazing at the noticeably fit inkling.
Eight couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed, but keeping them company was such an effort that she was glad that it was manifesting on her body in some sense.


It felt as if the very earth shook under Eight as a ferocious growl tore through Pearl's entire body. "Wouhld you huff mind puttin'... BWORRPP... the tubesh back though? Shtill... uff... hungry"

Eight pressed the button on the remote again and the tubes once again came down, the same hazy contented look returning to Pearl's face as she began suckling on them again.
One down, two to go.

Eight thought to save Acht for last as a treat, for herself anyway, the others certainly weren't lacking in 'treats'. She climbed down Pearl's gut and climbed the rope once more, traveled across the the catwalks and arrived at the one that hung over Marina's vast expanse.

As she descended she got a good look at Marina, and particularly where she was about to land, her tits. It's incredible just how much of her weight ended up being funneled into her breasts, so massive that they formed rolls in it of themselves forever hiding her areolas under it's own tonnage, the only way to identify them as breasts was the tubes leading out of them.

As she made landfall the mass spurted a tsunami-like deluge of green ink, good thing the system was so robust...
Marina's breasts constantly oozed industrial amounts of ink, which was promptly collected and carried beneath the building, wherein a massive colony of microbes would dispose of it almost immediately.

Much like with Pearl she began the treacherous journey to her face, every single step eliciting more ink to dribble out, and the closer she got to the face, lusty moans could be heard from atop the gigantic fatty.

Eight had gotten Acht to ask Marina on another occasion how it feels, she mentioned how sensitive her breasts had become and it's a shock of pleasure whenever ink gets sucked out.

When Eight arrived she'd lifted the tubes but unlike Pearl the haze didn't lift.
Drool poured and pooled into Marina's chins and jowls as deep lustful moans poured out of her lard buried throat, one couldn't see it but she attempted to clutch her bloated hands as best she could as if to squeeze out as much pleasure as possible.

Eight knew she wasn't in a much of a position to talk today, poking her to catch her attention usually worked, but it only seemed to drive her further into depravity as opposed to bringing her any lucidity. But it wasn't just the sensation in her breasts that did is, Marina had a monocle like gadget that gave her access to the warehouse's cameras, this allowed her to stare at her dear Pearlie 24/7, and seeing her ever growing folds and ass was plenty enough to drive her crazy.

Eight lowered the tubes again leaving Marina to her own little world, before once again returning to the catwalk.

Only one left was Eight's beloved, Acht, who, unlike their friends in immobility, their face was incredibly easy to reach.

Acht's gut was a MOUNTAIN patterned with vibrant stretch marks, and it was still, somehow, the only part of Acht's impressively fattened body that was of note, at least in comparison to the other two. Anything that wasn't their gut still maintained a lumpy, dimpled look, their breasts having remained smaller than Pearl's and their ass still being comically flat and boxy.
Their gut rose so far above them that it created a slope with which Eight, upon descending Acht's own rope, quickly slid down and had her fall cushioned by their comfy flabby chins.

Eight once again commanded the tubes to rise and she found a smiling mouth behind them. "Whatsh' up~" they said, same knowing smile adorning their face even if they knew they weren't getting an answer, Eight clambered a bit further eventually laying on Acht's cheek, a sleepy look in her eyes quickly took over though. "Musht've worked yourshelf... BBWOOOOORRRPP to the bone to keep ush nishe and comfy, be free to resht Eight"

And so Eight got herself cozy on the gigantic cheek, lowered the tubes back into Acht's mouth as they slipped into their gluttonous haze, and fell asleep thinking only one thing...

'This rules'